Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday = Lake Day

B and I woke up, had a quick bowl of oatmeal, and headed to the lakefront for a run with our baby, Cooper (aka Coopie, Coop a Loop. He may be a 100 pound lab but he will always be our first born). We have yet to track our run on MMR, but we are estimating about 2.5 miles of running and another 1.5 of walking. It's amazing how a good workout can make your outlook so much more positive, isn't it? Gotta love ENDORPHINS. Next, we are going to return our RedBox movie ("Extraordinary Measures"...pretty good, definitely worth $1). This is a tradition we have had for some time. Being a one income family, budget is extremely important. We incorporate exercise into our lazy nights watching movies by walking to the grocery store to rent the movie and walking back to return it.

And so it begins

October 18, 2008 was the best day of our lives. Our wedding was absolutely perfect and we were so excited to begin our married adventure together. Unfortunately, over the course of the past year and a half, B and I have put on our "happy weight". I have put on exactly nine pounds, and B is pushing thirty. Join us as we begin our journey back to our pre-wedding weight!

Here's our plan:
-record EVERYTHING we eat
-run at least 2x a week
-other sources of exercise 3x a week
-B will start running exclusively using the barefoot method
-do all of this will maintaining a budget!!